March 31, 2010Jon Brooks
And now we bring you The Brokers With Hands on Their Faces Blog, no explanatory text necessary I think. Click here for more photos of brokers with hands on their faces.
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March 31, 2010Jon Brooks
From Pink Slips are the New Black, “the blog for unemployed people by unemployed people,” comes this post about a strange job-hunting experience that ended in an ugly case of astrological employment discrimination. A Job Interview that Made Me Go Hmmm… I went through the most bizarre experience this week. I applied for a job [...]
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March 31, 2010Jon Brooks
I have to admit I have been wondering about this myself. From Philip Greenspun’s Weblog, this March 25 post: Can I buy last minute health insurance? It seems as though the 1000-page health care bill is soon to become law. A friend of mine suggested the following strategy: Consider a family in Massachusetts that earns [...]
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March 31, 2010Jon Brooks
Perhaps you didn’t know that the month of February included Personal Brand Week, launched by professional services and auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers. Personal Brand Week was created to help students develop their personal brand as a way to find employment. This e-book guides you through the entire week. From the introduction: In today’s competitive environment, students [...]
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March 31, 2010Jon Brooks
“In fact, I believe that the elites have so mistreated the American people that we should declare that a state of war exists between America and Washington.” Former Federal Reserve economist and economics professor Arnold Kling doesn’t like the new health care law. From The Daily Caller: Health care bill woke a sleeping giant For [...]
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March 30, 2010Jon Brooks
A California voter initiative to legalize marijuana has officially qualified for the November ballot. From the web site Ballotpedia: Supporters of legalization are focusing on the benefits they say would flow to the state from taxing marijuana; when marijuana is illegal, it is not taxed. If it was legal, the government would be able to [...]
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March 30, 2010Jon Brooks
In February, Google made an announcement:
We’re planning to build and test ultra high-speed broadband networks in a small number of trial locations across the United States. We’ll deliver Internet speeds more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today with 1 gigabit per second, fiber-to-the-home connections. We plan to offer service at a competitive price to at least 50,000 and potentially up to 500,000 people…
As a first step, today we’re putting out a request for information (RFI) to help identify interested communities. We welcome responses from local government, as well as members of the public. If you’d like to respond, visit this page to learn more, or check out our video:
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March 29, 2010Jon Brooks
From the UK artist Shardcore, a currency-defacing project called Money, that’s what I want. For those of us living in a capitalist society, there is an inexorable link between our lives, our perceived happiness, and the bits of paper we exchange for goods and services. A banknote has no inherent value, it is merely a [...]
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March 29, 2010Jon Brooks
That last item we posted was quite skeptical of the government’s National Broadband Plan. Still, the site at does provide a tool to test your Internet connection speed, which is pretty cool…
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March 29, 2010Jon Brooks
On Cafe Hayek, George Mason economics professor Russ Roberts dissects from a libertarian’s point of view a CNN story about the government’s recently announced National Broadband Plan. The initiative is aimed at providing every American “affordable access to robust broadband service,” among other goals.
Says it all
Here’s an amazing story from CNN because it’s so ordinary. It’s about a top-down government initiative that sounds good – giving more broadband access to Americans. Who’s against more Americans getting broadband? The FCC has a plan to get it done. Go Broadband!
So here’s the story.
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