A pariah speaks

April 29, 2010Jon Brooks Comments Off

From Reddit’s IAmA section:

I am a Bill Collector, ask me anything.



I’ve had my share of ER bills and more than a few of them have gone unpaid. When the collection agency starts calling, I tried to politely explain that I just couldn’t pay because I didn’t have any money. I have lost my temper on a few occasions, particularly when a debt collector suggested I take out a loan to pay my unpaid medical bills. So my question is this: how much influence do you have over an individual’s credit rating? At what point does the uncollected bill start to effect my credit rating? If I start ranting and raving at you, do you just press a button that says I defaulted or didn’t pay or something like that?


Every time i contact a person i make a note of it on my system. Everytime you tell me something that is worthwhile i note it. If you say you are expecting a tax return or getting an inheritance or mention an available balance. .. Sometimes my company does the credit reporting and sometimes the company does the credit reporting. Every client is different; some request credit reporting at 30 days some request at 110 days and some don’t credit report at all.


Any crazy stories you wanna share?


I did have a gentleman threaten to come to my office and kill me. He then went into great detail as to how he was going to accomplish this. I was just trying to help him prevent litigation; he wasn’t having it.

Response to the reply:

Having worked in collections for a few years, I can safely say that after the first few months, hardly anything gets to you. There was a time when the local economy was really bad and I was getting death threats on a weekly basis and it just made my day. Like covering the phone while laughing my ass off. Same goes for my coworkers. Those that last awhile anyway. I don’t think this makes us bad people, but when subjected to this kind of shit you just become numb. (Some) things got to me though;

First, mothers crying over the phone telling you they can’t afford to feed their children (Seriously how are we supposed to deal with that?)

(Also), people that actually are or do a really good over-the-phone impression of someone possessed. Going all Book of revelations on me is only going to piss me off and sign you up for some extra costly legal letters.


Is there anything I can do to get out of a bill collecting? Just not answer for so long? Make up a sob story? Anything?


You could send a letter to the collection agency stating that you wish them to cease and desist all contact with you. I have heard EVERY sob story and i am pretty much heartless. i don’t care about your personal problem i am just focused on the money. Sounds heartless but its how i pay my bills too!


I’ve had the same cell phone number for close to 2 years, but the jerk who previously owned the number STILL GIVES IT OUT. I keep getting calls from his creditors, and they won’t believe me when I say I am not him. Is there any way I can actually convince these bill collectors or is there a good way I can burn the jerk who gives out a phone number he lost more than 2 years ago?


I would try telling the creditors that they are calling you at work. Once they know its a work number the have to LEGALLY stop calling.


What does bill collecting entail, besides the obvious?


I do searching for new numbers to people who we cannot contact. I advise people who are in debt how to resolve them and give consequences doe non payment.


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