Musical kvetching

January 6, 2010Jon Brooks Comments Off

Hear about this one? Complaint choirs.

Apparently, they’ve been around a few years, but if you ask me, the concept is the ultimate Internet meme for our current plight: Groups of people getting together to sing (quite well, actually) a litany of things that irritate them.

Naturally, economic issues figure in. In Juneau, they grouse that “Blue Cross is stealing my life — I’m a wage slave for health care,” and also mention high rents, rich people, and cronyism in state hiring. In Chicago, they sing: “My damn boss outsourced my job but he gets to keep his” and “I am drowning in student loans.”

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. In Philadelphia, the lamentations include parking signs, customer call menu options, infrequent sex, umbrellas, and — most notably — New Jersey drivers. In Chicago, they kvetch:

Busses bunch up worse than granny panties
Nobody ever throws the ball to me
Airport security took my mouthwash
Everybody thinks they are a good kisser
The amateur Jethro Tull cover band
Only tourists like deep dish pizza
Everybody is a moron

It’s a sort of more sophisticated version of “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.”

For those who believe in the power of positive thinking, well, your day may yet come. It’s just that nobody knows when…

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