Rappin’ economics

October 28, 2009Jon Brooks 14 Comments »

Demand, Supply

mankiwAt first blush, you might think that Principles of Economics, written by Harvard professor and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Greg Mankiw, doesn’t necessarily seem like ripe material for a rap adaptation.

But if you did think that, you’d be wrong.

Listen to “Demand, Supply”, by Rhythm, Rhyme, Results. The rap song describes Mankiw’s 10 economic principles in a style somewhat reminiscent of Eminem — if Eminem rapped not about taking drugs, going mad, and hating women, but resource allocation, opportunity cost, and the money supply.

As in the book, topics in the song include government regulation:

Because of monopolies and the troubles they create
Uncle Sam comes along and he’s gotta regulate
That’s lesson #7: when government’s there
They oversee to guarantee that competition is fair

the benefits of a free market:

Lesson 6 is a trick, the invisible hand
Buyers and sellers clear markets without the man
The market system almost always prevails
But recognize, too, that markets can fail

and the relation of the money supply to inflation:

#9: keep an eye on that money supply
Printing too much paper sends prices sky high
A dollar means nothing, it’s just a nice name
If what it represents doesn’t stay the same

Rhythym, Rhyme, Results produces educational music for use in the classroom. From the FAQ:

Why do you produce rap music?

The vocal delivery in rap/hip-hop music lends itself to rhyme-based mnemonics that make memorization easy. Beyond that, we realize that today’s youth listen to hip hop and rap in huge numbers that transcend race, culture, and age.

Sounds good. And we look forward to further economist/rap artist collaborations, and to that day when Jay-Z/Lawrence Summers, perhaps, can stand on a podium to accept their joint MTV Video Music Award/Nobel Economics Prize. And then Kanye West can rush up, grab the mic, and harangue the audience. “Yo Jay and Larry, I’m really happy for you, but Beyoncé/Ben Bernanke had one of the best videos/economic theories of all time!”

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