Okay, but who are the best tippers?

December 10, 2009Jon Brooks Comments Off

waitressYou know about the great diversity of answers to the question “Who are the worst tippers?” on Waiter Rant. We posted about that here and here.

But many people, in their posts, also included their opinion on the type of people that are the best tippers.

So here ya go:

Florida Jews

The absolute best were the retired Jewish folks that lived in the area (South Beach). They were demanding as far as service requirements, but they were the absolute best tippers I have ever served. They were also the best in letting management know they had received good service.

African Americans

Maybe three out of my five best tips have come from blacks.


My best tips ever have come from blacks. One time this awesome group of black guys gave me a $60 tip on a $60 tab. We all hugged each other goodbye when they left.

but, and

The myth of the black man as a bad tipper in my experience is true… but black women are often my best tippers.


My husband attests that Muslims are some of the best tippers. “Giving to those who have less than oneself” is a Pillar of Islam, so….I like that it doesn’t say “poor”, just “less”.

White men

The best tippers are middle aged white guys.

Construction workers

I worked at a local pub and the best tippers were always the construction workers. Maybe it was because I was young and pretty, and I served them cold beer.

Firemen and policemen

Best tippers: firemen and policemen, always. I love them.


The best tippers were the police – hands down. Tips were usually 50-100% for small orders, and 25% on larger ones.

Gay men

Hands down gay men are my favorite customers of all time. They are friendly, funny, and tip well if not generously.


Best tippers: Other Service Industry folks and gay men and women. Hands down. And Wiseguys.


Best tippers-gay men hands down.


Best tippers? Bikers. I always have GREAT experiences with people who ride in on Harleys and are covered in leather. I fight to wait on them! They’re courteous, good natured, and usually very generous.


Best tippers, Hells Angels from Quebec when they would come through town on their way out west…you fight for those tables. Great guys and great tippers.


I would have to say that the best tippers were truck drivers when I worked at a truck stop. The ones that hit on me a lot were the best tippers and if I teased them about it in front of their buddies I got really big tips. I guess it was entertainment for them. I mainly worked in the kitchen cooking.

Well-to-do couples

Best tippers I would say are upper middle class couples.

The inebriated

Drunks were my favorite customers, but in all fairness no one else liked them. I just treated them in my natural convivial way and they were, mostly, the best tippers.

Asian gamblers

I worked as a cocktail waitress in a casino for a decade. By far the best tippers were Asians.

The hopefully horny

The best tippers are men on dates who are convinced by the end of the meal that they will get laid.

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