Repaired Things – The blog

October 22, 2009Jon Brooks 9 Comments »

shoerepairA lot of people don’t have money to buy new stuff these days. But unfortunately, lack of resources and lack of need don’t always go hand-in-hand. So whatcha gonna do when something you own doesn’t work the way it used to? Repair it!

And that’s where Repaired Things comes in. The premise is simple: “This blog is a collection of pictures of things that have been repaired.” Gluing, taping, sewing, propping, and even peanut buttering are represented. Here are some repairs we particularly like:

Then there’s this entry, which gives new meaning to the phrase “applying a band-aid” to the problem.

So put away those maxed-out credit cards and overdrawn checkbooks, get out the scotch tape and Elmer’s Glue, and access your inner handyman. Because one thing that’s probably not going to be repaired so quickly? The economy.

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