How do they like Scott Brown now?

February 23, 2010Jon Brooks Comments Off

When Republican Scott Brown won the special election for Ted Kennedy’s old Senate seat last month, it through a giant monkeywrench into the Democrats’ plan to pass a comprehensive health care reform bill. Back then, we covered the responses of both the online Massachussetts Republican community Red Mass Group (elation) and the online Massachussetts Democratic community Blue Mass Group (despair).

Yesterday, Brown — and a handful of other Republicans — voted with Democrats to block a Republican filibuster on the Democratic jobs bill. From the Los Angeles Times:

Along with a Social Security tax break to encourage businesses to hire workers, the $15-billion package would replenish the depleted Highway Trust Fund, which uses gasoline taxes to repair interstate roads; expand the Build America Bonds program, which helps state and local governments fund infrastructure projects; and allow small businesses to write off large equipment purchases immediately rather than depreciating them over several years…

Monday’s vote was widely viewed as a test of whether the Senate could pass any significant legislation after Democrats lost their filibuster-proof 60-vote majority with Brown’s election. The chamber has been gridlocked by party-line squabbling for the better part of a year, with virtually every bill requiring a 60-vote supermajority.

So, with Brown contributing to half a political victory for the Democrats (the bill still has to pass the House), what do Massachussetts Republicans think of Brown now? Some comments on Red Mass Group:

Lets not let this happen with the GOV race. Lets put the most Conservative canidate in please. No more RINOs (Republican in Name Only)
This has nothing to do with conservative vs. RINO. It’s about personality– I think Scott Brown bought into his created image of an independent politician who will transcend those nasty partisan politics; then, bought into the image created by overenthusiastic supporters as THE (Republican) ONE who could be president.

Remember that he is a politician, not a private sector guy. And still MUCH better than Coakley, so it was worth the effort.
Brown is just another of the turncoats that New England puts out as RINOs (Snowe, Collins). I feel like a fool for having contributed. At least with Coakley, you knew what you’d get. I’m disappointed, but it’s a lesson worth learning… beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

He told you exactly what you were getting, the death of ObamaCare and a fresh independent voice…which yes, means he will vote with Democrats sometimes for those of you with reading comprehension issues.
I supported Scott Brown believing he was an “independent” Republican who would make up his mind on legislation based on how it would affect Massachusetts, not on orders from Republican Leadership.

He has appointed a fine staff to analyze pending legislation and it’s affect on Massachusetts, and obviously decided it helps us grow our economy. So he is voting for it, regardless of what the Republican Leadership “ordered him to do”.

Good for him.
I suspect this job bill does help our state, even if not our country.

Give this man time I say. He is our 41st vote on a lot of important issues for the nation. Let others work hard to change our state here at home.
Scott f’ing blew it. It is over. He might as well vote ‘present’ for the next two years. The enthusiasm needed to put him back there in 2012 just left the building.

The shot heard around the world lands as a $15B give-away. WTF Scott? Thanks for nothing.
This is still a Dem state. He never ran as a movement conservative. He ran as a populist. He is conservative, and must represent the will of the people. Sorry, 60% of the population did not become constitutional conservatives overnight.

The state loves him even more. I watched this announcement form a bar in Watertown. Cheers is all he got.
The Brown fan page is getting hosed. Close to 2500 comments on his status update with 95% scathing.

Agreed that there is a lot of projection and messiah complex at play here — but as a longtime supporter it is just so frustrating to see him shoot himself in the foot on literally his first vote.

Whether it is holding hands with a Saudi sheik or bending over to a foreign premiere, or rolling over on your back like a dominated dog in the name of “bi-partisanship” (oh hooray!!) — nobody can respect you after something like that.

He was sent to D.C. specifically to be an obstructionist — to stop the grotesque expansion of government. No one seriously expected him to be Ron Paul 2.0 but come on! It is like finding out the girl who had been playing hard to get all semester, actually blew the entire football team and basketball team over the summer — the magic disappears pretty fast.

This just totally took the wind out of his sails, and I don’t see him recovering from this.
It is very hard for me to imagine anyone cheering this. Did he read the bill? Does he actually think that capital/dollars taken out of the private sector and handed to government are better at creating jobs? There is neither sound policy nor political strategy behind this. It is simply amateurism.
Hey, he ran against Washington status quo f-ups, and part of the ridiculous Washington idiocy is the abuse of the filibuster in the Senate.

It was idiotic when it was done by the demmies, and it’s idiotic when it’s overused by our side.
This bill largely does not have much if not any value towards economic growth other than as a big payback to the unions. Brown greatly alienated 90% of the people who donated to his campaign to make his victory possible. They gave to him strictly to put an end to the ridiculous spending. This bills falls into that category.

I’m starting to wonder if he does have a messiah complex as mentioned before based on some recent comments and innuendo from recent interviews. As Barbara pointed out, he may think he is “the one” to rise above the polarized partisanship of DC and save them from themselves. Either that or his is angling to be a regular guest on the sunday talk show circuit
Scott Brown is never going to have a 100% ACU rating. I knew that going in on January 19th. If you didn’t, you weren’t listening to the words coming out of his mouth during the campaign.

There are going to be more votes like this, hopefully not many, where Conservatives like us will be displeased. There will also be many votes where Scott Brown will Save Our Bacon.

It was anticipation of those bacon-saving votes that made me cast my ballot for Scott Brown on January 19th.

The Honeymoon may be over, but we will still have a (hopefully) long and happy Marriage.

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