A Frank exchange

August 19, 2009Jon Brooks Comments Off

Supporters of one or other of the current health care reform proposals wending their way through Congress might have gotten a vicarious thrill when a Democrat—in the person of Barney Frank—finally gave as good as he got at a town-hall confrontation.

WOMAN: “Why do you continue to support a Nazi policy, as Obama has, expressly supported this policy? Why are you supporting it?”

FRANK: “When you ask me that question, I am gonna revert to my ethnic heritage and answer your question with a question: On what planet do you spend most of your time? … As you stand there, with a picture of the president defaced to look like Hitler, and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis, my answer to you is, as I said before, it is a tribute to the First Amendment that this sort of vile contemptable nonsense is so freely propagated. Ma’am, trying to have a conversation would like be like trying to have an argument with a dining room table — I have no interest in doing it.”

Here’s a video of the encounter from CNN.

Comments the Progressive Fitchburg blog: “Barney Frank is Awesome. He really needs to teach every other Democrat to do this.” Fair enough. But a response to a post about the incident on The Health Care Blog asserts that the woman has ties to perennial presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, whom some have called the leader of a cult.

The young girl pictured on this video and others seems to be a deluded member of the Larouche cult. Larouche is a convicted con man whose cult stole upwards of 34 milion dollars from elderly supporters in the 1980s. For that, he and others were sent to prison. Since running a cult and living off of other people’s money is the only thing Larouche knows how to do, he has recruited several dozen naive college aged students to drop out and work 18 hour days, 6 1/2 days a week for him in pursuing his lunacies. Larouche calls everyone a Nazi which works fine with the few hundred or so fools who are in the cult who work the streets for him…

And lo and behold, a video of the full encounter reveals the woman clearly mentioning LaRouche.

Now lots of conservative bloggers and Twitterers are complaining that CNN failed to report the woman’s connection to Larouche, and some are calling her a “Larouche Democrat.” One blogger raises the possibility that the woman was a “liberal plant.”

On the other hand, here’s an articlefrom the Washington Independent that finds rhetorical similarities in this Michelle Bachmann (R- MN) YouTube clip and the arguments of those espousing the Nazi canard.

If you’d like to to watch more Obama-Hitler comparisons—and after all, who doesn’t?—here’s the LaRouche-Pac’s “Fight to Stop Obama’s Nazi Health Care Reform” channel on YouTube. And for a free-wheeling discussion on health care, Barney Frank, Lyndon LaRouche, and of course, Nazis, here’s a giant thread on said topics and more from reditt.com.

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