Health-care-headline quiz

March 17, 2010Jon Brooks Comments Off

Keith Hennessey offers a post in which he pairs one headline about the health care overhaul from this year and one from last and asks you to guess which is which. The article links, which provide you with the correct answers, are in the post itself.

Politico: President Obama takes reform on the road
AP: Obama takes health care pitch to people—again

Bloomberg: Obama Set to Fight ‘Uphill Battle’ on Health Bill
Bloomberg: Obama to Appeal to Public on Health Care as Senate Struggles

AP: Obama’s health care pitch to Democrats: Trust me
AP: Obama makes last-minute appeal to Democrats for health care votes

AP: Obama to appeal for public support on health care
AP: Obama appeals for health care votes

CSM: To pass healthcare reform, Democrats may go it alone
CNN: Democrats May Pass Health Reform without GOP Support

NYT: Obama Takes Health Care Deadline to Democrats
AFP: Deadline looming, Obama urges health care action

Boston Globe: Obama steps up health care pressure
Politico: President Obama steps up health care push

AFP: Obama presents make-or-break health reform plan
NPR: For Obama, Health Care Overhaul Is Make-Or-Break

AP: Top Dems looking to Obama for health care momentum
Reuters: Obama tries to regain momentum in healthcare debate

Reuters: Obama seeks momentum, funds for Senate allies
Reuters: Obama team tries to regain momentum on healthcare

CBS: Obama’s Health Care Push: The Race is On
WaPo: Obama Health Care Push Resumes This Week

AP: Obama turns up the heat for health care overhaul
AP: Obama expands health care push

HuffPo: White House, Dems, Plan For Make-Or-Break Summit
Bloomberg: Obama Sets ‘Make-or-Break’ Deadline on Health Care

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