The tale of the 2000s, in magazine covers

January 13, 2010Jon Brooks Comments Off

The dot-com collapse, Enron, September 11th, Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami, and an historic real estate bust, financial panic, and recession. The good times just never seemed to end in the 2000s, which Time called The Decade from Hell.

Now the Magazine Publishers of America and the American Society of Magazine Editors have created this video telling the tale of the 2000s completely in magazine covers.

It’s a nice testament to the power of the print media, but there’s also some truth to this reader comment left on The Awl, which speaks to the irony of publicizing the feature on the Web:

Ladies and gentlemen of the MPA and ASME, I have no idea the exact effect you were going for, but if it involves me wanting to go to Youtube and watch a magazine, then dare I say it: mission accomplished! Well done.

These guys just can’t win for losing nowadays.

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